25: «The Roca is the WORLD»
«The train is an inexhaustible source of observations…»
—| Gabriel Cichero, Pablo Ferraioli.
NOISE is the Message | NOISE2023E25
Signal Flow ꞊⫸
█ #On This ROUTE: An end-to-end transmedia work by Gabriel Cichero and Pablo Ferraioli. “If you want to portray the world, you must paint your own village”, ours, the one that gathers and forsakes us, is a mobile village. It moves between two capitals about 80 times a day. Per month, it is inhabited by some 15 million people. If you think about it, it is more than a village: it is a megalopolis on the move. It is the Roca train, the railway line that crosses the south of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, that set of towns that sit between the capital of the country and the capital of the surrounding province, in an urban continuum interrupted only by the somewhat fantastic jungle of the Pereyra Iraola Park.
With this brief introduction, we share the conversation we had with the artists.
Interview conducted in August, by Franco Falistoco.
✪ https://www.facebook.com/LaPlataBuenosAires/
✪ https://buenosaireslaplata.wordpress.com/
✪ https://www.instagram.com/bsaslplata/
✪ https://www.instagram.com/gabriel.cichero/
✪ https://www.instagram.com/pabloferraioli/
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Be part of listening in the vast landscape of Sounds.
NOISE is the Message | 2023
We recommend the Use of HEADPHONES.
Specs: audios recorded in Reaper with SHURE, AKG and Zoom H4n & H3-VR microphones and recorders. Mix, edit and radio montage in Ableton Live. Binauralisation process with SOUNDSQUARE.
Production: Franco Falistoco and NOISE is the Message with Gerardo Figueroa Rodríguez (GFR).
Advice and consultancy in Sound Engineering, Binaurality and Immersive Audio: Sol Rezza.
Special collaborations: Daz Disley, Enrique De Rosa Giolito.
Thanks to Pablo & Gabriel, for their sounds, words and recommendations.
Submit your Press & #LISTEN material: prensa[@]elruidoeselmensaje.com
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The Sound is the NOISE of the Message.